Monday, November 2, 2009

Moses Calls Aaron to the Ministry

Exodus 4:10, Exodus 4:1416, Exodus 4:27; Exodus 5:1; Exodus 7:9; Exodus 8:617; Exodus 16:12; Exodus 24:910; Exodus 28:1; Exodus 40:1216
Thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. Exodus 40:13

When the Lord called Moses to go to Egypt to free the Israelites, Moses did not feel he could do it. He said he was slow of speech and was afraid to talk to Pharaoh (see Exodus 4:10). The Lord was angry with Moses. He told Moses he could take his brother, Aaron, with him to be his spokesman. (See Exodus 4:1416.) The Lord then spoke to Aaron: "Go into the wilderness to meet Moses" (Exodus 4:27). Aaron and Moses were happy to be together again.

The two brothers traveled to Egypt and went before Pharaoh. Aaron spoke for Moses, trying to get Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go (see Exodus 5:1). Through the power of the Lord, Moses and Aaron performed miracles (see Exodus 7:9) and brought plagues upon the Egyptians (see Exodus 8:617).

Aaron was with Moses when he led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the wilderness (see Exodus 16:12). He was also with Moses and 72 other priesthood bearers when the Lord appeared to them (see Exodus 24:910).

Once when Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Lord told him to anoint Aaron and Aaron's sons to serve as priests in the tabernacle (see Exodus 28:1). When the tabernacle was completed, Moses anointed Aaron and his sons to this calling. He gave them the priesthood of God and the authority to perform sacred ordinances. (See Exodus 40:1216.)


When Moses went before Pharaoh to free the Israelites, his brother, Aaron, went with him to speak for him. Aaron helped Moses to accomplish what the Lord had commanded. After the Israelites were led out of Egypt, the Lord instructed Moses to anoint Aaron and Aaron's sons to serve as priests in the tabernacle. When the tabernacle was finished, Moses did as the Lord directed and gave Aaron and his sons the priesthood of God.

Artist, Harry Anderson

© 2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA

MY WORD: I love this picture! The artist, Harry Anderson gives us so much information (that is if we are aware of what we are looking at!) ASSIGNMENT: Read about the Tabernacle in your Bible Dictionary (pg. 778) Look at the picture as you read to help you understand what you're reading. Also read about the Aaronic Priesthood (pg. 599.) What is another name for this Priesthood and why? What I really get excited about is the clothing worn by Aaron! Read about this clothing in Exodus 28 be sure to use your footnotes for better understanding. I use to think this was such a boring section of scriptures... really, I did! So much of the history of the Old Testament is centered around the Tabernacle and it's artifacts. It's a must read now and that's what I'm going to do today!

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